Topic outline

  • Sigma Magic Background

    Sigma Magic is a software tool that runs in Excel. Much like other standalone statistical application packages, it is designed to be used by Six Sigma practitioners to visualize and analyze data. Sigma Magic includes tools like box plot, capability analysis, ANOVA, and DoE to name a few.  It also has a lot of additional tools and templates that are more Lean oriented, like 5-S, Spaghetti Diagrams, and TAKT time, again to name a few.  In addition, it has very useful tools that may not fit into either of these two process improvement disciplines, like Heat Map or SWOT Analysis.  Overall, there are over 100 tools and templates in Sigma Magic.

    Goals of the Course

    In this course, we will cover how to install the Sigma Magic software on your computer. If you have already installed the software on your computer, then you can skip this module.

  • Software Installation

    In this module, we will cover how to install the software on your computer. We recommend that you use the automated way to install the software which consists of just double-clicking on the downloaded setup file to install the software on your computer. If that does not work for you, a manual approach is shared as well in the presentation.

  • Registration & License Activation

    In this module, we will cover how to register your software and activate the license to start using the software. Both of these steps are crucial for you to be able to use the software. Note that all new users are provided a free one-month trial for the software license that lets you try out the full functionality of the software for a period of 1 month.

  • Uninstall Software

    In case you need to uninstall the software, just follow the simple one-step process as described in the presentation.

  • Assessment

    Take a short quiz to check your understanding of this course.

  • Closure

    Great! If you have reached this point you would have successfully installed the software on your computer. If you faced any problems feel free to write to us at We are here to help you.