Help Manual


Sigma Magic Help Version 18

30-60-90 Plans


A 30-60-90 day plan is a written document of your goals over the next three months. This can be used in any area, for example, when starting a new job or after you complete rigorous training, to demonstrate how you plan to use that learning over the next quarter. It can also be used to structure your workweek and execute the plan to increase the chance of success in your work.

Once you create the plan, you can share it with your key stakeholders to get their acceptance and buy-in to the plan you have created. It helps answer the questions of whether you understand the work to be performed and if your plans of what you are going to do are in alignment with what the management expects from you.

This tool can be added to your active workbook by clicking on Lean and then selecting 30-60-90 Plans.


Click on Analysis Setup to open the menu options for this tool.


A sample screenshot of the setup menu is shown below.
Setup Menu
Analysis Type: Specify the format of the chart. This selection is not enabled since there is only one format available.
Num Tasks: Specify the number of tasks on the 30-60-90 day worksheet. The number specified here is used to format the worksheet. For example, if you select five tasks, you can have up to 5 tasks for the 30-day plan, 5 for the 60-day plan, and 5 for the 90-day plan. Make sure you specify this field correctly because if you change this number later, the information you entered on the worksheet may be deleted.
View Example: Click on this button to open the example file. You can view the example to get an idea of how to fill out this tool, or you can use the example as a starting point and modify it to meet your project needs.
Help Button: Click on this button to open the help file on this topic.
Cancel Button: Click on this button to exit without saving any changes.
Create Design: If this is your first time using this template, click this button to format the worksheet template. You can also update the worksheet format any time, but remember that you may lose any data entered on this worksheet. Once you are happy with the worksheet template layout, you must enter any required data on the worksheet. When the data entered into the worksheet is complete, you can click on Analysis Setup and then Compute Outputs to generate analysis results.
Analyze Design: Click on this button to save all changes and compute the outputs for this analysis. Review the results of your analysis and make changes to your inputs if required to update analysis results.
On the worksheet, you will need to enter the plan. Specifically, what actions will you accomplish over the next one, two, and three months? Make sure that the plan is realistic but at the same time challenging to achieve. It would be best if you planned for those actions that will result in a significant positive impact on the organization. The process of developing the plan may be iterative. Once you create the plan and share it with your key stakeholders, you may want to modify the plan per their feedback so that everyone is aligned with the plan that has been created.


You will see the following dialog box if you click the Checklist button. Checklist The checklist contains a few pointers on things you must pay particular attention to while performing this analysis. The checklist has been derived from experience working on past projects. Not all the checklist items need to apply to you. However, you should carefully review the checklist and apply any recommendations that make sense for your project. Make sure to read each checklist item and mark it as completed after you have read and taken actions as appropriate for your project.
Item: The items on the checklist are listed on the left
Status: The status of whether the checklist has been answered is listed on the right.
Ideally, all items on the checklist should be marked as reviewed/completed.


If you click the Verify button, the software will perform some checks on the data you entered. A sample screenshot of the dialog box is shown in the figure below. Verify The software checks if you have correctly specified the input options and entered the required data on the worksheet. The results of the analysis checks are listed on the right. If the checks are passed, they are shown as green-colored checkmarks. If the verification checks fail, they are shown as a red-colored cross. The verification checks are shown in the orange exclamation mark if the verification checks result in a warning. Finally, any checks required to be performed by the user are shown as blue info icons.
Item: The left-hand side shows the major tabs and the items checked within each section
Status: The right-hand side shows the status of the checks.
Overall Status: Shows the overall status of all the checks performed. If all the checked items are okay, the status image in the header will show a green checkmark. The header status image will show a red cross mark if any checks fail.


Click on Compute Outputs to update the outputs. There are no specific calculations for this tool. If you have answered all the questions in the input dialog in the affirmative, then the 30-60-90 plan will indicate that the plan is okay. Outputs If the 30-60-90 plan worksheet contains errors, they are highlighted so you can fix them. The following dialog box is displayed when all the errors have been cleared. Outputs 2 The most important output of this exercise is that you have proactively created the plan and aligned the actions and target dates with your key stakeholders.


Here are a few pointers regarding this analysis:
  • If you need fewer rows, then it is recommended that you hide the unneeded columns rather than delete the rows to maintain worksheet formatting.
  • Make sure you have a sufficient number of rows for the plan before you start filling out the tool, as any changes you make to the number of rows may cause you to lose any information you have stored on the worksheet.


The following examples are in the Examples folder.
  • Assume you have undergone an advanced lean training course. Create a 30-60-90 day plan for utilizing the learnings from this course (30-60-90 Plan 1.xlsx).
  • Assume you have been transferred to a new department or role in the organization. Create a 30-60-90 day plan for your accomplishments over the next three months.