Help Manual


Sigma Magic Help Version 18



The About menu briefly describes the software and displays the current version of the software installed on your computer.

You can open the About dialog box by clicking the About button in the Miscellaneous menu on the main screen. main menu

About box

Below is a sample screenshot of the overview dialog box. Click the Overview button on the right to open the software's overview. about
Tabs: Three tabs on the right can help you move between the Overview, Software Versions, and Contact Us pages.
Help Button: Click on the help button to view the help file associated with this page.
Screen Shot: Capture an image of this dialog box and save it to the worksheet.
Close Button: Click on Close to exit the dialog box.
If you click on the Software button on the right, the version of the software installed will be displayed. A sample screenshot of the Software dialog box is shown below. about 2
Sigma Magic Version: This displays the version of the Sigma Magic software installed on your computer. If the version is meant for debug release, it will contain the letter D next to the version number.
RSoftware Version: This displays the version of the R software installed on your computer. Note that the R software is required for the Analytics modules. Note that you may have multiple versions of the R software installed on your computer. The version of the R software listed here depends on which R script bin file you have specified in the Options settings.
Excel Version: This displays the Excel version of the software you are currently using.
Windows OS: This displays the Windows Operating System you are currently using on your computer.
Install Folder: This displays the directory where the software has been installed on your computer. If the software was installed with Admin privileges, it will probably be in the C:\Program Files\ directory. Otherwise, it may be in the C:\Users\ directory under the current user name.
Check Updates: Click on this button to check if you have a newer version of the software that you can download to your computer.
You can click Check Updates to see if your computer has the latest software version installed. If you have the latest version, no action is required. Otherwise, the software will ask you if you want to download and update to the latest version. The figure below shows a sample screenshot of the update screen. It shows the current software version installed on your computer, the version available on the server, and the action, if any, you would have to take. You can install the update or skip it. It is always recommended that you upgrade your software to the latest version. Check Updates
Note that Internet access is required to check for updates from our server and to download the latest version. A sample screenshot of the Contact Us dialog box is shown below. about 3
You can use these details to contact us if you have any questions/concerns regarding this software. You can create an account on our support page. The support page contains the list of all the tickets you have created in the past. You can view the status of your tickets, comment on existing tickets, close tickets, and view the knowledge base, which is an online self-help platform if you are facing any issues with using the software.

You can click the Login button to access the support page. An example screenshot of the login page is shown below. about 3
When you create a ticket, an account is created for you using the email address you specify within the software. If you have not created a ticket in the past, you can click on the button "Request Access." to create an account. You will receive an invitation email to create an account on this site. Feel free to specify a password to login to this site. You can always reset your password on the login page if you forget it. Note that you may need to validate your email address the first time you use this site.

The software we use to manage the tickets is GDPR compliant. For more information about this compliance, refer to


This section contains some frequently asked questions. If you have other questions about this module, please contact technical support.

How do I check if I have the latest version of the software?
Click on the About button on the main menu bar, then click on the Software tab on the right, and then click on the Check Updates button. It will compare the version of the software you are using with the version available on our website and let you know if you are using the latest version.
How do I update the Sigma Magic software version?
You can download and install any new software version by clicking the About button > Software > Check Updates. If an update is available, it will give you an option to download and Install this version to your computer. Note that this may require admin access. If your admin has disabled certain features and capabilities on your computer, you may not be able to use this button to install the updates using this method. You can also download and install the updates by visiting our website directly. A third way for you to install updates is to click on the Click on the start button and then on Sigma Magic Updater within the Sigma Magic group of menus.
Why does the dialog box not open when I click on the About button?
If no dialog box opens when you click the About button, then the Excel software may be blocking the opening of this package. You may need to notify Excel that the software installation folder is a trusted location for this software to work correctly. Please contact the help desk if you face any problems activating the software.