Help Manual


Sigma Magic Help Version 18

Export PPT


You can use the Export button to export the Sigma Magic analysis to PowerPoint in the currently active Excel workbook. Main Menu


Export can export Sigma Magic analysis in the current Excel workbook into a PowerPoint (PPT) file. The Export functionality will only export the worksheets created by Sigma Magic software; all other sheets in the workbook are skipped. The exported file can then be used to present the project's status to others. The Export functionality copies the analysis results box and graph(s), if applicable, or the entire print area of the worksheet. An example of the dialog box displayed when you click the Export button is below. Export Dialog Box
Select Sheets: You can select the sheets you want to export to a PDF. The available options are:
Radio ButtonDescription
All SheetsAll the valid Sigma Magic sheets from your current workbook are selected for export. Note that the Summary Sheet and Data Sheet have not been selected.
Current SheetThe currently active worksheet is selected for export. Note that Summary and Datasheets cannot be selected for this export.
Selected SheetsYou can manually specify which sheets you want to select for export.
Selected Sheets: This textbox is available only if you have chosen the Selected Sheets option in Step 1. You can specify a string such as 1-10,14,15. Here, sheets 1 through 10 and 14 and 15 are selected for export. Note that sheet numbering is the same as the numbering scheme used on the Summary Sheet. The sheets are ordered from left to right based on the order of the tabs, and the sheet's Summary Sheet and Data Sheet are not counted.
Content: Specify what content you want to export to the PPT file. The available options are:
NotesSome of the Sigma Magic analyses have session windows that have text output from the analysis displayed in the output area. If you want to include this output in your PPT, select the Notes checkbox. If you select this checkbox, all the worksheets with a notes section will be exported into the PPT on a separate slide.
ChartsSome of the Sigma Magic analyses have charts or graphs generated by the analysis. If you want to include this output in your PPT, select the Charts checkbox. If you select this checkbox, all the worksheets with charts will be exported into the PPT. The Format section sets how many charts are included on one slide.
OtherSome of the Sigma Magic analyses have other types of content on the worksheet, such as process maps, tables, etc. If you want to include these types of data in your export, select the Other checkbox. Note that the other content is exported on a full slide page.
Format: Specify how many charts you want to include on one slide. The available options are:
Radio ButtonDescription
1x1Each chart will be exported on a separate slide.
1x2Two charts will be exported onto one slide, and they will be placed in two columns.
2x1Two charts will be exported onto one slide, and they will be placed in two rows in a single column.
2x2Up to four charts will be exported onto one slide.
Help Button: Click on the Help button to open the help manual for this dialog box.
Cancel Button: Click on the Cancel button to close this dialog box without exporting any sheets.
OK Button: Click on the OK button to export the selected sheets into the PPT format. Depending on the number of sheets, export may take a while.
The Export menu will use a default template (Sigma Magic PPT Template. pot) as the slide master. This template is located in the default installation directory. You can edit this template to suit your presentation needs. If this template is missing, no slide master is used, and the slide background is blank.

Analysis Results

An example of PowerPoint output content is shown below. Export Example 1 Export Example 2 Export Example 3


This section contains some frequently asked questions. If you have other questions on this module, please get in touch with technical support.
Is there a linkage between Excel and PPT? If Excel changes, will PPT also change?
No, the export from Excel into PPT is based on copying the content between the Excel and PPT files. No link is created between the two files. If the Excel file content is updated, you must re-export the file to update the PPT content.
How is the order of the pages decided for the PowerPoint file?
The pages in the PowerPoint file follow the same order in which you created the tools. So, the first tool you use will be slide 1; the second tool you use will be slide 2, and so on.
How do I control the fonts & colors in the PowerPoint file?
Sigma Magic does not set these variables - it uses the default settings for your PowerPoint application or as defined within the template. You can change the default settings within PowerPoint, apply a template, or modify the slide Master within the PowerPoint file.
Why are my images not scaled properly when I export to a PowerPoint file?
If you have connected your computer to an external display monitor, it has been observed that there is some bug in the connection between Excel and PowerPoint, and the image sizes are incorrect. The only resolution is to disconnect the external monitor when you export to create a PowerPoint file from Excel.

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