Help Manual


Sigma Magic Help Version 18



The project info menu briefly describes the project you are working on. It can provide a quick overview of the project file, including the project's name, team members, start and end date, and any notes you may have saved for the project.

The Info dialog box can be opened by clicking the Info button in the main screen's Project section of the menu bar. main menu

Setup Tab

Below is a sample screenshot of the info dialog box that appears when you click on the Setup tab. about
Specify the following details regarding your project:
Project Title: Provide a short one-line description of the project. By reviewing the title, the user should get an idea of the project.
Team Members: You can specify the names of key team members and possibly their contact details so if the user has any questions about the project, they can reach out to the right people.
Methodology: Specify the methodology you plan to use to address this project. The project methodology will influence the checklist questions on the next tab. The available options are:
8DUse the 8D problem solving steps. The eight steps are to create the plan, create a team, define and describe the problem, contain the problem, identify and verify the root causes, choose corrective actions, implement and validate corrective actions, take preventive measures, and congratulate the team.
A3Use the A3 problem solving steps. It is a structured problem-solving method first employed at Toyota and used by lean practitioners. The main steps are to clarify the problem, break down the problem, set a target, analyze the root cause, develop countermeasures, implement countermeasures, and monitor results and processes.
DMAICUse the Six Sigma five-step methodology to solve a problem. At a high level, it consists of defining the problem, measuring the current state, analyzing the root causes, improving the processes, and controlling the process for sustainability.
PDCAUse the Plan-Do-Check-Act steps to solve a problem. It contains a cycle for planning, doing, checking, and acting. It is a simple and effective approach to solving problems and managing change.
Status: Specify the current status of the project. The available options are:
Not-StartedUse this option if the project is yet to be kicked off.
StartedUse this option if the team has actively started to work on this project.
In-ProcessUse this option if the team has made progress on the project, but the project is not yet completed.
On HoldUse this option if the project is currently on-hold. No one is working on the project, but it is expected that the project will resume at a later point in time.
CanceledUse this option if this project has been canceled without completing it and this project is not planned to be resurrected in the future.
CompletedUse this option if this project has been completed.
Project Dates: Specify the starting date and ending date for the project. If the project has not ended yet, you can leave it blank or provide a potential expected completion date here. If the project has been put on hold or canceled, you can enter the date it was canceled in the end date.
Comments: You can add any comments to this project that you want to capture such as project updates, business case, expected benefits, risks, current action items, etc.
Setup Tab: You can switch between the setup tab and the checklist. The setup tab is described in this section.
Checklist Tab: You can view the checklist for the methodology you have selected. The checklist will help guide you on what actions have been completed and are still pending. It has been included to provide high-level guidance to the project user.
Help Button: Click on the Help button to view the help for this topic.
Close Button: Click on this button to exit the dialog box without saving any changes.
OK Button: Click on this button to save any changes you have made to the dialog box and close this dialog box. Note that all changes are saved in the Summary Sheet. If you delete the Summary Sheet, any changes you have made here will also be deleted.

Checklist Tab

If you click on the Checklist tab, a sample screenshot of the info dialog box is shown below. header 2
Specify the following details regarding your project:
Phase: Based on the methodology you picked, the appropriate project phases are described.
Checklist: The checklist questions are provided as a guide to the project team to ensure that all the key steps are completed. Review the checklist questions and apply them to your project as appropriate. Mark the checklist item as completed once you have completed the recommended action.


A sample screenshot of the data stored on the worksheet is shown below. worksheet
If required, you can edit the details anytime and export this page in your final project presentation.


This section contains some frequently asked questions. If you have other questions about this module, please get in touch with technical support.

How do I add additional methodologies to this checklist?
You may contact the helpdesk to add other methodologies and checklists to this tool. Currently, this feature is not user-customizable.

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