Help Manual


Sigma Magic Help Version 18

Kaizen Report


A Kaizen Report is used to document the improvements identified in a Kaizen event. It highlights the process's condition before and after the event and documents the benefits.

To add this tool to your workbook, click on Lean and then select Report > Kaizen Analysis.


Click on Analysis Setup to open the menu options for this tool.


A sample screenshot of the checklist menu is shown below.
Checklist: The input dialog box asks a set of questions concerning the Kaizen report that you are creating. This is just a checklist to ensure you have thought about all the key aspects of this report.
  • Specify if key stakeholders have approved the Kaizen idea. Before an idea can be implemented, it should have been discussed with key stakeholders and approved by them.
  • Specify if the Kaizen idea has been implemented and benefits realized. If the Kaizen idea is just on paper, it isn't helpful for the organization.
Status: If you mark the checklist as completed by clicking on the checkbox, the status indicator is shown by a green checkmark; otherwise, it shows a red crossmark.
View Example: Click on this button to open the example file. You can view the example to get an idea of how to fill out this tool, or you can use the example as a starting point and modify it to meet your project needs.
Help Button: Click on this button to open the help file on this topic.
Cancel Button: Click on this button to exit without saving any changes.
Create Button: Click on this button to save changes and update your worksheet layout (if any).
OK Button: Click on this button to save changes and update your analysis results.
A sample screenshot of the worksheet is shown below. outputs Enter the following information on the Kaizen Report worksheet:
1Type in the required information such as Team Members, Area where the Kaizen improvement is being applied, Problem Description, and Solution Description.
2Put a picture of the improvement area both before and after the improvement. If no pictures are available, you can sketch the idea.
3Document any benefits you have captured due to this improvement at the bottom of the form.


If you click the Verify button, the software will perform some checks on the data you entered. A sample screenshot of the dialog box is shown in the figure below. Verify The software checks if you have correctly specified the input options and entered the required data on the worksheet. The results of the analysis checks are listed on the right. If the checks are passed, they are shown as green-colored checkmarks. If the verification checks fail, they are shown as a red-colored cross. If the verification checks result in a warning, they are shown in the orange exclamation mark. Finally, any checks that are required to be performed by the user are shown as blue info icons.
Item: The left-hand side shows the major tabs and the items checked within each section
Status: The right-hand side shows the status of the checks.
Overall Status: Shows the overall status of all the checks performed. If all the checked items are okay, the status image in the header will show a green checkmark. If any checks fail, then the status image in the header will show a red cross mark.


Click on Compute Outputs to update the worksheet outputs. There are no specific outputs from this tool. Please type any conclusions you want to make directly in the conclusions area. If all template elements have been filled, the dialog box appears when you click the Compute Outputs button. outputs 2


Here are a few notes regarding this analysis:
  • The current version of the form does not allow the form to be digitally signed. You will need to fill out the details, print it out and then get it signed, and then attach a scanned copy of the signed form to your presentation.

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