1 | Num Rows: Specify the number of rows to format the worksheet. You would at least need to have as many rows as the number of steps in your process. You can always go back and change this number later. |
2 | Reduction Target: The % reduction in changeover time that you expect by performing the SMED exercise. The final report will compare the actual value you achieved with this target. |
3 | SMED Video: Select a video of the changeover event and upload it to your Excel tool. This video is optional but can provide a mechanism to view the different activities conducted in the changeover and the time it takes for each step. The output of this analysis will be an input into your worksheet. Click the Browse button to search your hard disk to load a video file. If you click on Cancel, any previous selections are canceled. Note that once a video is uploaded to the worksheet, you cannot delete the video from this dialog box. Still, you must manually delete the videos from your worksheet "Comments" area. You can upload multiple videos to your worksheet - preferably one for the before condition and one for the after condition. Click on the Clear button to remove the file from the dialog box. |
4 | View Example: Click on this button to open the example file. You can view the example to get an idea of how to fill out this tool, or you can use the example as a starting point and modify it to meet your project needs. |
5 | Help Button: Click on this button to open the help file on this topic. |
6 | Cancel Button: Click on this button to exit without saving any changes. |
7 | OK Button: Click on this button to save changes and update your analysis results. |
Num | Description |
1 | A number for the sequence of changeover activities |
2 | A brief description of the activity being performed |
3 | The name of the operator(s) performing the activity |
4 | The start time for the activity in hh:mm: ss |
5 | The end time for the activity in hh:mm: ss |
6 | Whether the activity is internal or external. Internal activities can only be done when the machine/equipment is stopped. External activities can be done when the machine/equipment is running. |
7 | The state for the activity - whether it is current state (what is happening today) or future state (what you are proposing) |
8 | A classification of the activity as either VA (Value Added), NVA (Non Value Added), or BVA (Business Value Added) |
Num | Description |
1 | Convert as many internal activities to external activities as possible. |
2 | Eliminate or reduce nonvalue-added activities. |
3 | Combine different activities into one if possible. |
4 | Possibly break up the activities and assign them to different people to perform them in parallel. |
5 | Try to minimize the time spent on internal activities. |
6 | Try to eliminate or minimize the business value-added activities. |
7 | Use tools such as jigs and fixtures to simplify the time spent on the activities. |
8 | Use pre-kit parts to minimize the time required to perform the activities |
1 | Title: The system will automatically pick a title for your chart. However, if you want to override that with your title, you can specify a title for your chart here. Note that this input is optional. |
2 | Sub Title: The system will automatically pick a subtitle for your chart. However, if you want to override that with your subtitle, specify a subtitle for your chart here. Note that this input is optional. |
3 | X Label: The system will automatically pick a label for the x-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your label for the x-axis, you can specify a different label here. Note that this input is optional. |
4 | Y Label: The system will automatically pick a label for the y-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your label for the y-axis, you can specify a different label here. Note that this input is optional. |
5 | X Axis: The system will automatically pick a scale for the x-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your values for the x-axis, you can specify them here. The format for this input is to determine the minimum, increment, and maximum values separated by a semi-colon. For example, if you specify 10;20, the minimum x-axis scale is set at 10, and the maximum x-axis scale is set at 20. If you specify 10;2;20, the x-axis increment is set at 2. Note that this input is currently disabled, and you cannot change this setting. |
6 | Y Axis: The system will automatically pick a scale for the y-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your values for the y-axis, you can specify them here. The format for this input is to determine the minimum, increment, and maximum values separated by a semi-colon. For example, if you specify 10;20, the minimum y-axis scale is set at 10, and the maximum y-axis is set at 20. If you specify 10;2;20, then, in addition to minimum and maximum values, the y-axis increment is set at 2. Note that this input is optional. |
7 | Horizontal Lines: If you want to add a few extra horizontal reference lines on top of your chart, you can specify the values here. The format for this input is numeric values separated by semi-colon. For example, if you specify 12;15, two horizontal lines are plotted at Y = 12 and Y = 15, respectively. Note that this input is optional. |
8 | Vertical Lines: You can specify the values here if you want to add a few extra vertical reference lines on top of your chart. The format for this input is numeric values separated by semi-colon. For example, if you specify 2;5, two vertical lines are plotted at X = 2 and X = 5, respectively. Note that this input is optional. |
1 | Item: The left-hand side shows the major tabs and the items checked within each section |
2 | Status: The right-hand side shows the status of the checks. |
3 | Overall Status: Shows the overall status of all the checks performed. If all the checked items are okay, the status image in the header will show a green checkmark. If any checks fail, then the status image in the header will show a red cross mark. |