Help Manual


Sigma Magic Help Version 18



The Summary Sheet button can view a summary of all the analyses you have performed in your workbook. To add this sheet to your workbook, click the Summary button in the Setup menu. Main Menu


You can use the Summary menu icon to summarize all the analyses in your current workbook. The first time you add the summary sheet to your workbook, it will add a new tab—usually at the beginning of your workbook. You can click on Compute Outputs at any time to refresh your summary sheet results. A sample screenshot of the Summary Sheet is listed below. Open
Description: Here is a brief one-line description of the analysis performed on a given worksheet. By default, this name is the same as the name of the analysis worksheet, but you can click on the Rename button to provide a better description of your analysis.
Link: Click on this link to go to the specified analysis sheet. Note that you can rename the worksheet tab. If you have renamed your worksheet tab, click Compute Outputs on this page to refresh the tab names and ensure the links point to the latest worksheets.
Status: Specifies the status of the analysis sheet. The following states are defined:
NewA new worksheet has been added to your workbook, but it does not contain any settings or analysis results yet.
In-ProcessThe worksheet may contain some settings, but it may not contain analysis results.
ErrorThe worksheet contains some analysis settings, but there are errors in the setting values that need to be corrected.
OKThe worksheet contains settings and valid analysis results.
Inputs ChangedThe worksheet may have been analyzed using older data or version of the software and needs updating.
Version: The version number of the analysis software used to generate analysis results.
Last Updated: Date and time on which the analysis results were created.
Radio Button: Each row has a radio button. If you don't see the radio button, click Compute Outputs to refresh the worksheet. You can select the radio button to effect changes for that row. Once a row is selected, you can rename, duplicate, and delete that row using the menu button on the top menu bar. The available options are:
RenameIf a row has been selected, you can rename the worksheet name or the description for the selected worksheet. Note that the entire summary sheet will be renamed if no row is selected.
DuplicateIf you are on the summary sheet with no row selected, then the duplicate button has no effect since there can be only one summary sheet for each workbook. If a row has been selected, that corresponding worksheet will be copied, and a new worksheet will be created with the same settings and menu options. You can use this worksheet to perform what-if analysis if required. Note that when you duplicate a worksheet, the new worksheet may be placed right next to the old worksheet that was duplicated; however, the summary row may be added at the bottom. To reorder the Summary sheet, click on Compute Outputs.
DeleteDelete the selected row. If no row is selected, the entire summary sheet may be removed from the workbook. Ensure that the right row is selected, and you will need to confirm when you try to delete a row. If you confirm the deletion, the row on the summary sheet will be deleted, and the corresponding worksheet will also be removed from your workbook. Note that there is no undo button, so make sure you have selected the right row.

Analysis Setup

Click on Analysis Setup to open the menu options for this tool.


A sample screenshot of the setup menu is shown below.
inputs page 1
Up to date: This section shows the total number of worksheets in your current workbook that have completed the analysis using the latest version of the software, using the latest data, and have generated analysis results.
Requires update: This section shows the number of worksheets that use an older version of the Sigma Magic software to generate analysis results or sheets that use an older data set version. These sheets require an update.
Incomplete analysis: This section shows the number of worksheets that have not been completed yet. For example, you may have added a template but did not completely specify all the required input settings and data to perform the analysis.
Update Good: You can click this button to recompute the analysis outputs for all the worksheets in your current workbook that are marked as completed. When you click this button, it will go through all the sheets marked as OK and re-update the analysis results.
Update Analysis: You can click this button to recompute the analysis outputs for all the worksheets in your current workbook that require an update. When you click on this button, it will go through all the sheets that require an update and re-run the analysis to update the worksheet. The worksheets could require an update if they were analyzed using an older software version or if the input data set was changed after the analysis.
Delete Incomplete: You can click this button to delete all the worksheets with incomplete or partially completed analyses. Only the worksheets with completed analysis will remain in your workbook.
Help Button: You can click this button to open the help file for this topic.
Close Button: You can click this button to close this dialog box without changing the worksheets.


This section contains some frequently asked questions. If you have other questions about this module, please get in touch with technical support.
Can I add and delete the Summary Sheet anytime?
The Summary Sheet is optional to help you get an overview of all the analyses you have performed in your workbook. However, this sheet is optional and can be deleted and re-added at any time. Note that you can only have one Summary Sheet within each workbook.
Can I reorder the analysis listed in the Summary Sheet?
The Summary Sheet lists the analysis in the order of the sheets in your workbook. If you reorder the sheets by dragging and dropping the tabs around, you must click the Compute Outputs button to update the order of the analysis sheets on the Summary Sheet.
Can I rename the analysis sheet names listed in the Summary Sheet?
The Summary Sheet lists the analysis in the sheet's name as defined within Excel. If you rename the tab, that name is used in the Summary Sheet under Sheet Name. To update the names within your Summary Sheet, click the Compute Outputs button.