1 | Data Type:
Specify the type of data for this analysis. The available options are:
| ||||||||
2 | Input Type: Specify the format for input data. This selection is not enabled since there is only one format available. | ||||||||
3 | Algorithm:
Specify the algorithm to use to transform the data to normal. The available options are:
| ||||||||
4 | Parameter Value: For the Box-Cox transformation, determine how the software should determine the value of the transformation parameter (lambda). It can either estimate this value from your data set, or you can type a lambda value that it should use for the analysis. For the Johnson transformation, determine how the software should determine the type of distribution. It can estimate this value from your data set, or you can type the distribution name (Su, Sl, and Sb). | ||||||||
5 | Help Button: Click on this button to open the help file for this topic. | ||||||||
6 | Cancel Button: Click on this button to cancel all changes to the settings and exit this dialog box. | ||||||||
7 | OK Button: Click on this button to save all changes and compute the outputs for this analysis. |
1 | Search Data: The available data displays all the columns of data that are available for analysis. You can use the search bar to filter this list and speed up finding the right data for analysis. Enter a few characters in the search field, and the software will filter and display the filtered data in the Available Data box. | ||||||||
2 | Available Data: The available data box contains the list of data available for analysis. If your workbook has no data in tabular format, this box will display "No Data Found." The information displayed in this box includes the row number, whether the data is Numeric (N) or Text (T), and the name of the column variable. Note that the software displays data from all the tables in the current workbook. Even though data within the same table have unique column names, columns across different tables can have similar names. Hence, it is crucial that you not only specify the column name but also the table name. | ||||||||
3 | Add or View Data: Click on this button to add more data to your workbook for analysis or to view more details about the data listed in the available data box. When you click on this button, it opens the Data Editor dialog box, where you can import more data into your workbook. You can also switch from the list view to a table view to see the individual data values for each column. | ||||||||
4 | Required Data: The code for the required data specifies what data can be specified for that box. An example code is N: 2-4. If the code starts with an N, you must select only numeric columns. If the code begins with a T, you can select numeric and text columns. The numbers to the right of the colon specify the min-max values. For example, if the min-max values are 2-4, you must select a minimum of 2 columns of data and a maximum of 4 columns in this box. If the minimum value is 0, then no data is required to be specified for this box. | ||||||||
5 | Select Button: Click on this button to select the data for analysis. Any data you choose for the analysis is moved to the right. To select a column, click on the columns in the Available Databox to highlight them and then click on the Select Button. A second method to choose the data is to double-click on the columns in the list of Available Data. Finally, you can drag and drop the columns you are interested in by holding down the select columns using your left mouse key and dragging and dropping them in one of the boxes on the right. | ||||||||
6 | Selected Data:
The list box header will be displayed in black if the right number of data columns is specified. If sufficient data has not been specified, then the list box header will be displayed in red color. Note that you can double-click on any of the columns in this box to remove them from the box. The data you specify for this analysis depends on the options in the Setup tab.
| ||||||||
7 | View Selection: Click on this button to view the data you have specified for this analysis. The data can be viewed in a tabular format or a graphical summary. |
1 | Title: The system will automatically pick a title for your chart. However, if you want to override that with your title, you can specify a title for your chart here. Note that this input is optional. |
2 | Sub Title: The system will automatically pick a subtitle for your chart. However, if you want to override that with your subtitle, specify a subtitle for your chart here. Note that this input is optional. |
3 | X Label: The system will automatically pick a label for the x-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your label for the x-axis, you can specify a different label here. Note that this input is optional. |
4 | Y Label: The system will automatically pick a label for the y-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your label for the y-axis, you can specify a different label here. Note that this input is optional. |
5 | X Axis: The system will automatically pick a scale for the x-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your values for the x-axis, you can specify them here. The format for this input is to determine the minimum, increment, and maximum values separated by a semi-colon. For example, if you specify 10;20, the minimum x-axis scale is set at 10, and the maximum x-axis scale is set at 20. If you specify 10;2;20, then, in addition to minimum and maximum values, the x-axis increment is set at 2. Note that this input is currently disabled, and you cannot change this setting. |
6 | Y Axis: The system will automatically pick a scale for the y-axis. However, if you would like to override that with your values for the y-axis, you can specify them here. The format for this input is to determine the minimum, increment, and maximum values separated by a semi-colon. For example, if you specify 10;20, the minimum y-axis scale is set at 10, and the maximum y-axis is set at 20. If you specify 10;2;20, then, in addition to minimum and maximum values, the y-axis increment is set at 2. Note that this input is optional. |
7 | Horizontal Lines: You can specify the values here if you want to add a few extra horizontal reference lines on top of your chart. The format for this input is numeric values separated by semi-colon. For example, if you specify 12;15, two horizontal lines are plotted at Y = 12 and Y = 15, respectively. Note that this input is optional. |
8 | Vertical Lines: You can specify the values here if you want to add a few extra vertical reference lines on top of your chart. The format for this input is numeric values separated by semi-colon. For example, if you specify 2;5, two vertical lines are plotted at X = 2 and X = 5, respectively. Note that this input is optional. |
1 | Item: The left-hand side shows the major tabs and the items checked within each section |
2 | Status: The right-hand side shows the status of the checks. |
3 | Overall Status: The overall status of all the checks for the given analysis is shown here. The overall status check shows a green thumps-up sign if everything is okay and a red thumps-down sign if any checks have not passed. Note that you cannot proceed with generating analysis results for some analyses if the overall status is not okay. |
For the Box-Cox transformation, lambda values indicate the type of transformation applied to the data. The following table illustrates the type of transformation for specific lambda values.
Lambda | Transformation |
-1 | Reciprocal |
0 | Logarithmic |
0.5 | Square root |
1 | No Transformation |
2 | Square |
Distribution | Transformation |
Su | Unbounded Transformation |
Sl | Logarithmic |
Sb | Bounded Transformation |
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