Help Manual


Sigma Magic Help Version 18

Tool Wizard


The Tool Wizard menu can guide the user in determining the best possible analysis to use depending on the user's unique requirements. A graphical user interface is presented that can assist the user in picking the best analysis.

The Tool Wizard menu can be opened by clicking the Tool Wizard button in the Analysis menu on the main screen. Main Menu


Click the Tool Wizard button in the main menu to open the dialog box. A sample screenshot of the dialog box is shown below. Wizard Dialog
Topic Areas: Click on the topic area to open the next level of graphical display of menus on the screen. Follow the flowchart to pick the best analysis for your particular situation. When you click on the leaf or the tool displayed, the corresponding tool is added to your workbook. Note that the topic areas are divided into six categories: Analytics, Change, Graph, Lean, Project, and Stats.
AllAll the tools and templates available within Sigma Magic are listed in this section. Since this is a relatively long list, it may take some time to refresh all the icons on this page. Use the Search bar to narrow this list, or you can "Star" some of the most commonly used tools to easily find your favorite tools in the Starred section.
AnalyticsAll the tools and templates that leverage the R software for analysis are listed in this section. These include tools for data visualization, partitioning, model building, and predictions. Note that you should have installed the R software to use these tools.
ChangeAll the tools related to deploying change in the organization are listed in this section. These tools deal with the people side - for example, identify and overcome resistance to change efforts and successfully deploy change in the organization.
GraphAll the tools related to deploying, plotting the data, and graphically understanding what the data is trying to tell us.
LeanAll the Lean tools and methods to identify and eliminate waste within processes.
ProjectAll the continuous improvement tools and methods to improve processes.
StatsAll the statistical tools and methods to analyze the data and draw conclusions to make breakthrough process improvements.
Define Methodologies: Click this button to group the tools into your own set of methodologies. Examples could be DMAIC, DMEDI, IDOV, PDCA, etc. You can design up to 5 different methodologies using this button. Each methodology can have up to 5 phases, and each phase can have up to 10 tools. So, you can display up to 50 tools in each methodology. As a generic recommendation, don't include all the tools in the methodologies; limit them to the most important ones. Users can always go to the tools section to pick other tools that may be required.
Help Button: Click on this button to open the help file for this topic.
The following dialog box shows the listing of all tools section. Wizard Dialog 2
Search Tools: You can search for specific tools by entering the search parameters in this box. You will need to type at least two characters to initiate the search. The search will look for keywords and try to find the closest match within the list of available tools. You can also search for each category here. For example, if you type in Graph, all tools related to the Graph section are shown in the list. Note that the All Tools section may take some time to update since many tools exist. Use the Search bar to narrow the list of tools to what you are interested in.
Add Tool: You can left-click any of the tools listed in this dialog box to add the recommended tool to your active workbook. A new worksheet is added to your workbook. Note that you can always delete this worksheet later if you are not interested in this tool. If you click the right mouse button, you can add a star for the tool or look at the help for this topic. By adding a star to the most commonly used tools, you can easily find them later by going to the starred section of the wizard.
Starred Tools: Click on this radio button to view all the tools you have starred. To remove the star on a tool, right-click that button and select UnStar.
For example, the following dialog box shows the listing of the starred tools section. Wizard Dialog 3
As an example, the following dialog box shows an example of the Graph tools. Wizard Dialog 4
Select Tool: Based on the analysis you want to perform, click on the tool you are interested in. For example, if you want to create Dot Plots, click the Dot Plot button. This will add a new worksheet to your workbook and copy the dot plot template. You can use this worksheet to create dot plots.
Help Me Choose: If you are unsure which tool to pick, click the Help Me Choose button. This will open up another dialog box with a flowchart
Below is an example of the flow chart with the next-level dialog boxes. You can follow the flowchart to decide which tool you would like to add to your workbook. Click on the appropriate button to add that template to your workbook. For example, click Box Plot (#1) to add this to your workbook. Wizard Dialog 5


You can use the methodologies button to design up to 5 custom methodologies relevant to your company. The figure below shows a sample screenshot of the methodologies manager. Note that you can define up to 5 different methodologies. The current methodologies are shown in the panel on the right. If they are blank, then no methodology has been defined. Methodology Manager
Methodology: Click on this button to switch between the different methodologies. If this button appears blank, then no methodology has been defined. Make sure to define the methods from the top to the bottom. If a particular button has been selected, it will be shown in blue font; otherwise, it will be shown in black font. Note that you can define up to 5 different methodologies using this manager.
Acronym: Each methodology has an acronym, which you can define here. For example, the Six Sigma improvement methodology is called DMAIC, and in Lean, we have a methodology called PDCA (4 steps). Similarly, you can define and/or devise an acronym relevant to your project. Note that we can have a maximum of 5 steps in any given methodology. If you have more than five steps in a methodology, you can group some steps into a single step to meet the 5-step limit.
Step Description: You can click on this label for each step of the methodology and edit it if required. The default names provided are Step 1, Step 2, etc. You can change these into Define, Measure, or those relevant to your acronym.
Available Tools: Drag and drop the tools from the available tools to the selected ones on the right. Use the search button to narrow the search for available tools. Note that each step in the methodology can have up to 10 tools listed. If you have more than ten tools per step, list the ten most important steps here. Double-click on a selection to remove it from the list. When you add a new tool, it appears at the bottom of the list, so if order is essential, you need to add the tools in the same order you want them to be listed.
Selected Tools: You can use generic tools if multiple tools make sense for your project. For example, instead of listing 1-Sample t-Test, 2-Sample t-Test, ANOVA, etc., you can choose to Compare Samples, which houses all of these tools in the same user interface.
Reset: Clicking on this button will clear everything for the selected methodology. It will clear the acronym at the top, the definitions of each phase, and the tools you have already selected. If you have clicked by mistake, click on Cancel to exit this dialog box without saving it, and go back and make edits after you return.
Help: Clicking on this button will open the help file for the Options dialog box.
Cancel Button: Clicking on this button will close the dialog box without making any changes.
OK Button: Clicking on this button will save your changes to all the methodologies you have made. When you click the Tool Wizard, you will find these methodologies listed. An example screen for the DMAIC methodology is shown below.
Methodology Example


This section contains some frequently asked questions. If you have other questions about this module, please get in touch with technical support.
Can we change the order of the tools or the graphical breakdown shown?
At this point, this is not user-programmable. If you want to see the flow changes, you will need to contact the helpdesk.

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