Table below shows the release notes for each version. On an average we have one major release and several minor releases every year.
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Generic | Upgraded the software to become GDPR compliant. |
Feature | Capability | Added the non-parametric capability analysis. |
Feature | MSA | Updated the classification report for nominal data analysis. |
Feature | Pugh Matrix | Added a 7-point scale for ratings. |
Feature | Generic | Added a software upgrade button available within the Start menu to update software. |
Bug Fix | Generic | Added a Close button within Sigma Magic software to minimize crashes. |
Bug Fix | Generic | Issue with corruption of worksheets fixed when multiple workbooks had the same worksheet name. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Bug Fix | Taguchi | Random seed values were not being saved and were overwritten by signal type. |
Bug Fix | Histogram | Roundoff error was showing some data in the next bin. |
Bug Fix | Compare Samples | P values for greater than and less than alternative tests for 1-Sample Z test were incorrectly reported in some cases. |
Bug Fix | SPC | Once the special tests were hidden, it was not possible to unhide them again. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Various | Add the table name in addition to the variable name in the input summary. |
Feature | Various | Improve computation speed - issue due to default printer (use print to file to further improve speed). |
Feature | VSM | Added examples for 1-Step to a 5-Step process so user can quickly copy and edit the VSM instead of creating from scratch. |
Feature | Generic | Notify user to change the printer default to Microsoft Printer for PDF for stability/performance issues. |
Feature | Bar Chart | Added the ability to plot unsorted data (groups as they appear in the raw data file). |
Feature | Various | Ability to name the horizontal and vertical lines added to charts by specifying them in Chart Options. |
Feature | Probability Plot | Normalized the Y-axis scales for the probability plots so they can be viewed when plotted in groups. |
Feature | Run Chart | Added the ability to show the raw data points on the run chart in addition to the median values. |
Bug Fix | Taguchi | Issue with array size for single variable model for dynamic designs. |
Bug Fix | Various | Close any open userforms before closing the file to improve file closing stability. |
Bug Fix | Monte Carlo | Capability analysis was not working properly if the output contains negative values for auto-fit distributions. |
Bug Fix | Histogram | Bin sizes were not being correctly calculated when there was no variation in the input data sets. |
Bug Fix | Probability Plot | Fixed the crashing issue when no CI was selected for the Probability Plot. |
Bug Fix | ANOVA | Issue with ChiDist function when there is no variation in the data groups. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | VSM | Updated the path creation wizard with a better GUI. Ability to pre-select shape to define data. Refresh button to delete removed shapes from database. |
Feature | Spaghetti Diagram | Updated the path creation wizard with a better GUI. Ability to control connector sizes. |
Feature | Process Map | Ability to copy and paste individual shapes and verify process map. |
Feature | Fishbone Diagram | Added the feature to verify the CE diagram from main menu. |
Feature | Fault Tree Analysis | Added the feature to verify the FTA diagram from main menu. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to save log files for troubleshooting in case of any problems. |
Feature | Examples | Improved the algorithm for loading Examples which works much faster than earlier version. |
Feature | Lean Templates | Updated the layout of the templates to separate out the inputs and the outputs |
Feature | Project Templates | Updated the layout of the templates to separate out the inputs and the outputs |
Bug Fix | OEE | Fixed the error message OEE target values should be numeric. |
Bug Fix | GANTT Chart | Fixed the issue with having fewer items compared to the maximum rows defined in the user interface that was causing error messages. |
Bug Fix | Histogram | Updated the algorithm to draw the chart axis and legends for histograms with only fit or only histogram. Euro version bin size issue. |
Bug Fix | Monte Carlo Simulation | For Euro version, issue with use of period for starting values of MCS Inputs fixed. |
Bug Fix | Analytics | Updated the analysis report out for various templates. |
Bug Fix | Data Visualization | Plotting of time series plot with sub-sampling case fixed. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Tool Wizard | Tool Wizard is now opened as non-modal so you can switch windows |
Feature | Various | Added a blue border to identify which list box is receiving the data on double-click |
Bug Fix | Generic | When clicking on Sigma Magic button, the windows were changing to another workbook |
Bug Fix | Histogram | For some data sets, there was an error when computing the bin sizes |
Bug Fix | License Key | Additional feedback message added if user enters the wrong license key |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Visualization | Added additional capabilities for Data Visualization |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Added improved real-time plots for simulated data |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Added tornado and spider diagrams for analysis outputs |
Feature | Generic | Improved algorithms to speed up execution for larger data sets |
Bug Fix | Spaghetti Diagram | Fixed an issue with opening of dialog box for this analysis |
Bug Fix | Compare Data Sets | Loading up of summarized data for discrete data sets |
Bug Fix | Sample Size | Dialog box was not letting user to change the delta value |
Bug Fix | Monte Carlo | Function values for percentiles was not working properly for regions with comma separator |
Bug Fix | Generic | Tool Wizard was not showing the menus when user clicks on "Help Me Choose" - issue fixed |
Bug Fix | VSM | When adding data to an icon, the icon was moving after addition and required an additional user click. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Regression | Ability to standardize data for continuous predictors and select reference values for categorical predictors. |
Feature | ANOVA | Combine all the residual analysis charts into one Four-in-One chart (impacts Regression, DOE). |
Feature | DOE | Use actual variable names in DOE uncoded equation instead of coded variables. |
Feature | Regression | Ability to do forward selection and best subsets for regression models. |
Feature | DOE | Ability to delete multiple selected terms at the same time for Included Terms. |
Bug Fix | Control Charts | Was not calculating the control limits properly when using include/exclude data points for certain charts. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Center Points were not showing correctly on some DOE analysis graphs. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Algorithm to determine which terms cannot be estimated in DOE analysis has been updated. |
Bug Fix | Generic | Simplify exit procedures when quitting from Excel. |
Bug Fix | DOE | On some computers, the DOE graphs were not appearing properly. |
Bug Fix | Generic | On some computers, had an issue of freezing when closing Excel files. |
Bug Fix | DOE, Regression | Added a check that variable names should not contain special characters that could cause confusion for predictions. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Updated the algorithm for handling dropping of terms when there are no P values using SSQ. Ensure 3rd order significant effects are also captured. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Install | Ability to install the software at the lowest previleges (without requiring Admin rights). |
Feature | Install | Ability to download a smaller size download setup file which will copy other required files. |
Feature | Install | Ability to delay registration of the user and use software without validating email. |
Feature | Install | Ability for corporate user to perform silent install if required. |
Feature | Generic | Ability for validate templates right on the user's computer to ensure accurate results. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to transfer workbooks between regions when decimals are used in settings. |
Feature | Generic | Verify button now has more granular details about the user settings. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to export multiple graphs on the same page and better handle templates withouts notes/graphs. |
Feature | Generic | Seperation between the About button and License buttons to make it more clear. |
Feature | Generic | Shared licenses have a default license checkout duration of 1 week before auto-expiry. |
Feature | Data | Added checks to ensure user does not have special characters in the variable names. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Bayesian models to make predictions with hyperparameter tuning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Discriminant models to make predictions with hyperparameter tuning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Prototype models to make predictions with hyperparameter turning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple SVM models to make predictions with hyperparameter turning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Bagging models to make predictions with hyperparameter turning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Boosted models to make predictions with hyperparameter turning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Decision Tree models to make predictions with hyperparameter turning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Neural Network models to make predictions with hyperparameter turning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Added multiple Regression models to make predictions with hyperparameter turning ability. |
Feature | Analytics | Ability to run multiple models and pick the best model from available 50+ models. |
Feature | Analytics | Ability to directly enter text columns for different models. |
Feature | Analytics | Ability to save developed models and share with other users for making predictions. |
Feature | Analytics | Updated progress bar that uses the same as other modules with ability to end the simulation in between. |
Feature | Process Capability | Ability to calculate the confidence intervals for the Cpk values. |
Feature | Process Capability | Ability to calculate the required sample size for a given Cpk tolerance. |
Feature | DOE | Added the ability to model using Plackett-Burman models. |
Feature | DOE | Added the ability to optimize the model using D-optimal functionality. |
Feature | DOE | Added a module to make predictions for the developed model. |
Feature | DOE | Ability to specify the user specified design generator and block generator rather than system selected. |
Feature | DOE | Ability to import the data for analysis and select both mean and standard deviations for analysis. |
Feature | Taguchi | Added the ability to specify mixed models rather than having same levels for each factor. |
Feature | Taguchi | Added the ability to make predictions from the developed Taguchi models. |
Feature | Taguchi | Enabled the ability to perform by static and dynamic designs. |
Feature | Taguchi | Updated the dialog box for creating the design similar to regular DOE. |
Feature | Taguchi | Ability to import the data for analysis and copy to the design worksheet. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Added the ability to perform ANOVA Two-Way in addition to standard ANOVA One-Way. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Ability to ability to perform ANOVA GLM. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Improve the ability to perform multiple comparisons with Tukey, Fisher, Bonferroni, Schaffe. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Added exact test and confidence intervals for One-Sample Defectives case. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Added the Fisher's exact test for P value for Two-Sample Defectives case. |
Feature | Regression | Added additional diagnostic checks for the model to check residuals (Std Residuals, Leverage, Cook's Distance). |
Feature | Regression | Added better features to make predictions from the developed model. |
Feature | Gage Linearity | Increased the number of trials that can be handled to 100. |
Feature | MSA | Increased the number of trials that can be handled to 100. |
Feature | Normality Test | Updated the Probability Plot to include confidence intervals based on Pointwise method. |
Feature | Graphs | Ability to perform By Variable analysis in addition to the grouping factors. |
Feature | Graphs | Updated the Probability Plot to include confidence intervals based on Pointwise and Bootstrap methods. |
Feature | Histogram | Ability to perform multiple histograms on a single chart if required. |
Feature | Histogram | Ability to only display the best fit and hide the histogram bars if required. |
Feature | Change Modules | Added a final message box report for all these templates so user is clear about the analysis results. |
Feature | Project Modules | Added a clear Create Button and Analyze (OK) Button to create/update worksheets and compute analysis results. |
Feature | Project Modules | Added a final message box for several templates so user is clear about the analysis results. |
Feature | Project Charter | Ability to modify the template based on the number of rows required by the user. |
Feature | SIPOC | Ability to modify the template based on the number of rows required by the user. |
Feature | CE Diagram | Ability to have from 1-6 main branches (categories) on the fishbone diagram. |
Feature | Process Map, CE Diagram | Simplify the placement of images on the sheet based on click and move (wait of cursor enabled). |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Generic | Digital signature had expired, so it was refreshed with the latest certificate. |
Bug Fix | Shapes | Algorithm to copy and paste shapes improved to handle for slower computers. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Generic | Suppress messages for enabling silent install. |
Bug Fix | MSA | Fixed issue with automatic type conversion for non-US install base. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Register | Allow user to update name and email address when registering using the registration code. |
Feature | DOE | Generate both single and multiple charts when running General Factorial DOE. |
Bug Fix | DOE | The dots were not very clear and small in size, so we added a dark background to these dots. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Issue with 2-level factorial designs when the number of center points is greater than number of factors has been fixed. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Bug Fix | Capability Analysis | Observed DPMO fix for points lying on boundary. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Issue with not reporting the right error messages for RSM text factors. |
Bug Fix | Several | Force showing SM error dialog boxes instead of native dialog boxes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Ability to move input/output/function cells after having created the model on the worksheet. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Additional distributions added: Chi-Squared, F, Student's t, Pert. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Ability to use ALT functions to determine distribution parameters from percentiles. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Ability to enter user defined distributions using cell references so we can enter arbitrary distributions for inputs. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Ability to capture and save screenshots for dynamic charts created within Monte Carlo simulations. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Updated algorithms to improve speed of saving simulation data back to the worksheet by a factor of 10. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Updated error checks and enabled software to run the simulation even if outputs are not defined. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Updated layout of model settings and optimization dialog boxes to the new format. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Ability to run simulations without specifying number of iterations but by specifing tolerances to be achieved. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Updated the color coding for optimization charts (red when constraints are not met). |
Feature | Distr. Identification | Updated the curve fitting algorithm to use information from the tails rather than central values to improve fits. |
Feature | MSA | Added the Confidence interval limits to % Match plot for attribute MSA |
Bug Fix | Monte Carlo | Updated dynamic charts to use variable array lengths between different simulations. |
Bug Fix | Monte Carlo | Updated algorithm to report central tendency values when parameters are updated on the distribution. |
Bug Fix | Monte Carlo | Ability to enter distribution names of worksheet that are not case sensitive anymore. |
Bug Fix | Type 1 Gage Study | Issue with writing Gage study results to worksheet for non US format (decimal notation). |
Bug Fix | Control Charts | Issue with correctly reading in historical parameters for discrete defective charts. |
Bug Fix | MSA | Issue with having more than 40 items or 10 appraisers for attribute MSA. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Bug Fix | Regression | Prediction model was updated for more generic variable names. |
Bug Fix | Regression | Regression model was having an issue for computing VIF factors for data sizes greater than 30,000 rows. |
Bug Fix | Optimization | Optimization model was updated for more generic variable names. |
Bug Fix | Kanban | Kanban objective was incorrectly stated and has been updated. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | All Templates | Compute Outputs will not close the dialog box if there are input errors. |
Bug Fix | Gage Linearity | Error with more than 10 replicates is now fixed. |
Bug Fix | FMEA | Issue with not loading the AIAG templates (Standard) is fixed. |
Bug Fix | Optimization | Updated the optimization template as the default values were not correctly stored. |
Bug Fix | Check Sheets | The formatting of the worksheet when there are Operator/Time variables changes was not being correctly shown. |
Bug Fix | Solution Selection | The AHP settings were not being correctly saved - this has now been fixed. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Pareto Chart | Added the By Variable analysis for creation of Pareto charts. |
Feature | Control Charts | For control charts only show those special case tests as applicable. |
Feature | Several | Use of Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple rows of data for data selection. |
Bug Fix | Scatter Plot | Search functionality was not correctly working for data selection. |
Bug Fix | Normality Test | Multiple group reports were not showing correctly (were hidden). |
Bug Fix | Prob. Calc | Clarified the zone for which the probability numbers were calculated (<= vs. <) |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Several | Auto adjust the width of the table to display text for notes. |
Feature | Several | Hide the Analyze button for Compute Outputs until ready for execution. |
Feature | Generic | Updated internal algorithm to handle concatenation of variables. |
Feature | Generic | Simplified the handling of debug & production versions. |
Bug Fix | Regression | Updated the regression equation to properly show negative coefficients. |
Bug Fix | FMEA | Add the X and Y labels for the FMEA chart. |
Bug Fix | Box Plot | Updated algorithm for subtitles, it was showing N:0. |
Bug Fix | Marginal Plot | Analysis setup was showing an error message for Marginal plot. |
Bug Fix | Generic | Updated order of file closure to avoid error during partial closures. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Manual updation of terms to add & remove was improved. |
Bug Fix | Run Chart | Conclusion for Run Chart was getting split into multiple columns. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | DOE | Blocks were not being removed from the final model if they were not significant under Auto setting. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Center points were not showing in the right place for text factors. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Replicates were not showing up properly for RSM create design. |
Bug Fix | DOE | Analysis of the RSM & GF designs with blocks resulted in an error message. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | DOE | Added capability to block on block generator rather than just replicates. |
Feature | Gage R&R | Added standard deviation values in the analysis reports in the notes window for continuous MSA. |
Feature | Gage R&R | Update the chart titles with optional gage name, user name, and date if available. |
Feature | Gage R&R | Suppress performing the analysis for tolerance if only LSL or USL is specified. |
Feature | Transform Data | Display the equations being used to transform the data. |
Feature | Gage R&R, DOE, Regression | Reformat the notes output and add the totals row at the bottom of ANOVA table. |
Feature | Gage R&R | When creating a new design, auto adjust the column width to fit the data first time. |
Bug Fix | All Analytics | For international versions, error messages were not reported since they were not in English. |
Bug Fix | Compare Samples | For assumption checks for 2-sample t test, the alternative hypothesis was not being set correctly. |
Bug Fix | DOE | For custom designs (not created by SM), the design from worksheet was not being read properly. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | ANOVA | Display the assumption checks for ANOVA comparison of variances. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Display the assumptions checks for 2-sample t test comparison of variances. |
Feature | Gage Linearity | Report the confidence interval values for the bias values. |
Feature | Gage R&R | Discrete MSA should be able to be performed with one appraiser. Currently, requires at least 2 appraisers. |
Feature | Gage R&R | Increase the number of trails available for analysis to 10. Currently, only a max of 5 trials can be analyzed. |
Feature | Gage R&R | Increase the number of appraisers to 20. Currently, only a max of 10 appraisers can be analyzed. |
Feature | Process Capability | Report the percentage values for defective process capability (right now it is not selectable). |
Bug Fix | Control Charts | For Xbar-R chart for the data type of raw data, it was reporting error in verify if sample size was set to 1. |
Bug Fix | Gage Linearity | The average value reported in the subtitle was incorrect on the chart (reported correctly on the notes page). |
Bug Fix | Gage Linearity | When random was turned on for creating design, the CI plots were not showing correctly. |
Bug Fix | Normality Test | The normality test was reporting an error when there were more than 5 groups in the data. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Generic | Modify the height of the message box as the close button is near the bottom. |
Bug Fix | C&E Diagram | International version is reporting an error message due to auto type casting issue. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Gage R&R | Move the disagreement analysis table from Nominal data to Ordinal data. |
Bug Fix | Monte Carlo | The algorithm slows down after repeated iterations only close/open speeds it up. |
Bug Fix | Random Numbers | The international version is showing an error for generating random numbers. |
Bug Fix | Generic | Error 5 being reported when trying to update program to latest version for the international edition. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | All | Simplified and standardized user interface. |
Feature | All | Use of graphical tool wizard for selection of tools & templates. |
Feature | All | Updated format for outputs including graphs & notes. |
Feature | Project Checklist | Added a high-level project checklist for monitoring project status. |
Feature | All | Added the duplicate feature for performing what-if analysis. |
Feature | Bar Chart | Added the capability to perform 3d bar charts. |
Feature | Graphs | Ability to modify graph captions, labels, axis, add lines on charts. |
Feature | FMEA | Added an additional template for FMEA analysis. |
Feature | GR&R | Added the computation of false positives & false negatives. |
Feature | Optimization | Ability to copy and paste equations into the optimizer. |
Feature | DOE | Updated model reduction algorithm. |
Feature | Regression | Ability to manually update the regression model. |
Feature | Sample Size | Calculation of the sample size for additional comparisons. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | All | Ability to modify the color themes. |
Feature | All | Use of data in tables format. |
Feature | All | Handling of missing rows in input data. |
Feature | All | Improved help feature. |
Feature | All | Improved options specification for analysis. |
Feature | Analytics | Ability to edit programs that are used for analytics. |
Feature | Basic Charts | Addition of the template for basic charts using R. |
Feature | Heat Map | Added an additional template for drawing the heat map. |
Feature | Marginal Plot | Added an additional template for creation of marginal plot using R. |
Feature | Network Plot | Added an additional template for creation of network plot using R. |
Feature | Scatter Matrix | Added an additional template for creation of scatter matrix using R. |
Feature | Tree Map | Added an additional template for creation of tree map using R. |
Feature | Word Cloud | Added an additional template for creation of word colud using R. |
Feature | Standard Work | Added an additional template for creation of standard work. |
Feature | Is-Is Not Analysis | Added an additional template for creation of Is-Is Not analysis. |
Feature | Kano Analysis | Updated the algorithm to perform Kano analysis based on survey data. |
Feature | Multi-Voting | Added an additional template for creation of word colud using R. |
Feature | VOC Table | Added an additional template for creation of word colud using R. |
Feature | Capability Analysis | Added the capability to perform observed capability analysis. |
Feature | MSA | Added the capability to perform nested analysis for Gage R&R. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Updated the monte carlo algorithm to perform optimization. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | About | Updated information in the about dialog box with version details. |
Feature | Licenses | Automated the issuing of temporary licenses from registration tab. |
Feature | Paste | Ability to copy and paste data onto the worksheet. |
Feature | Register | Automated email validation from within the application. |
Feature | Feedback | Ability to submit feedback from within the application. |
Feature | Menus | Updated the menu structure with 6 modules and alphabetical listing. |
Feature | Several | Added ability to visually view the flowchart logic - regression, DOE, MSA, Capability Analysis, Correlation, etc. |
Feature | General | Use of initialization file to setup custom menus. |
Feature | General | Ability to have multiple languages for the main menus. |
Feature | Check Sheets | Added an additional template for creation of check sheets. |
Feature | Sample from Columns | Added an additional template for sampling from columns. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Updated the algorithm for monte carlo simulation random number generation. |
Feature | Visualization | Added the ability to visualize the data in real-time on the userform (Data Form). |
Feature | Standard Work | Added an additional template for creation of standard work. |
Feature | Optimization | Added an additional template for optimization of functions with constraints. |
Feature | ANOM | Added the ability to perform Analysis of Means (ANOM) for compare samples. |
Feature | Normality Test | Added the ability to perform normality test using Shapiro-Wilk statistic. |
Feature | Control Charts | Added the ability to add annotation to control charts. |
Feature | VSM | Updated the algorithm to specify data and analysis of Value Stream Maps (VSM). |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | SMED Analysis | Updated the algorithm for SMED analysis (better outputs). |
Feature | DOE | Added General Factorial Design and Response Surface Methodologies. |
Feature | Optimization | Ability to optimize functions using solver. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Added ability to perform Run Tests within Compare Samples. |
Feature | Regression | Added ability to perform VIF analysis within Regressions and DOE. |
Feature | Basic Stats | Updated the algorithms for basic statistics. |
Feature | FMEA | Added the new AIAG standard template for FMEA. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Updated the graphs to show hypothesized P plots. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Added the ability to enter correlation between inputs for Monte Carlo analysis. |
Feature | Taguchi Analysis | Added an additional template for creation and analysis of Taguchi analysis. |
Feature | Normality Test | Updated the analysis for normality tests with confidence intervals. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Spaghetti Chart | Updated the algorithm for spaghetti chart with multiple resources. |
Feature | Value Stream Maps | Updated the algorithm for VSM with publication of key metrics. |
Feature | C&E Diagram | Updated the user interface and algorithm for C&E diagram. |
Feature | Fault Tree Analysis | Added ability to perform Fault Tree analysis. |
Feature | Process Map | Updated the analysis of process maps with optional checks. |
Feature | Relationship Diagram | Updated the analysis for relationship diagrams. |
Feature | GANTT Chart | Updated the GANTT chart algorithm. |
Feature | License Manager | Moved the license manager back to the older way of working (Not using Lime anymore). |
Feature | Probability Plot | Added the ability to create P-P and Q-Q plots within this analysis. |
Feature | Options | Ability to auto select optional group columns by default for the analysis. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Pareto Chart | Updated the algorithm for Pareto chart analysis. |
Feature | Capability Analysis | Updated the algorithm for Process Capability analysis. |
Feature | Control Charts | Updated the algorithm for Control Charts. |
Feature | Taguchi Design | Updated the algorithm for Taguchi analysis. |
Feature | License Manager | Updated the license manager to use a newer algorithm (Lime). |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Pre-Process Data | Added a new template to pre-process data for analysis using R. |
Feature | KNN Analysis | Added a new template to perform KNN analysis using R. |
Feature | Naive Bayes | Added a new template to perform Naive Bayes analysis using R. |
Feature | Neural Networks | Added a new template to perform Neural Network analysis using R. |
Feature | Random Forest | Added a new template to perform Random Forest analysis using R. |
Feature | XGBoost Analysis | Added a new template to perform XGBoost analysis using R. |
Feature | Change Curve | Added a new template to perform Change Curve analysis. |
Feature | Coaching Model | Added a new template to perform Coaching Model analysis. |
Feature | Culture Map | Added a new template to perform Culture Map analysis. |
Feature | Mission and Vision | Added a new template to perform Mission and Vision analysis. |
Feature | PEST Analysis | Added a new template to perform PEST analysis. |
Feature | Sustaining Change | Added a new template to perform Sustaining Change analysis. |
Feature | SWOT Analysis | Added a new template to perform SWOT analysis. |
Feature | Team Roles | Added a new template to perform Team Roles analysis. |
Feature | 30-60-90 Analysis | Added a new template to perform 30-60-90 analysis. |
Feature | Hoshin Analysis | Added a new template to perform Hoshin analysis. |
Feature | Kanban Analysis | Added a new template to perform Kanban analysis. |
Feature | Leader Standard Work | Added a new template to perform Leader Standard Work analysis. |
Feature | One Point Lesson | Added a new template to perform OPL analysis. |
Feature | True North | Added a new template to perform True North analysis. |
Feature | Waste Analysis | Added a new template to perform Waste analysis. |
Feature | Fault Tree | Added a new template to perform Fault Tree analysis. |
Feature | GANTT Chart | Added a new template to perform GANTT Chart analysis. |
Feature | Meeting Minutes | Added a new template to perform Meeting Minutes analysis. |
Feature | TRIZ Solutions | Added a new template to perform TRIZ analysis. |
Feature | Stack & Unstack Columns | Added a new template to stack and unstack columns. |
Feature | Correlation Analysis | Added a new template to perform correlation analysis. |
Feature | DOE Analysis | Updated the algorithm for DOE analysis. |
Feature | Taguchi Analysis | Updated the algorithm for Taguchi analysis. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Update the algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Correspondence Analysis | Added a new template for Correspondence analysis using R. |
Feature | Cluster Analysis | Added a new template for Cluster analysis using R. |
Feature | Factor Analysis | Added a new template for Factor analysis using R. |
Feature | Discriminant Analysis | Added a new template for Discriminant analysis using R. |
Feature | Decision Trees | Added a new template for Decision trees using R. |
Feature | Generalized Linear Models | Added a new template for GLM using R. |
Feature | Capability Analysis | Updated algorithm for Cp/Cpk for non-normal data. |
Feature | Distribution Identification | Updated the distribution identification algorithms. |
Feature | All | Use of tabular data for notes output. |
Feature | Several | Updated the template layout. Can now handle 1M rows (vs. 65,000 earlier). |
Feature | Generic | Option to hide the input area on the worksheet. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Matrix Plot | Added a new template for Matrix Plot analysis. |
Feature | Relationship Diagram | Added a new template for Relationship Diagram analysis. |
Feature | Waterfall Chart | Added a new template for Waterfall Chart analysis. |
Feature | Spaghetti Diagram | Updated the algorithm for Spaghetti analysis. |
Feature | Lean Maturity Matrix | Added a new template for Lean Maturity Matrix assessment. |
Feature | Change Audit | Added a new template for Change Audit analysis. |
Feature | Change Impact Assessment | Added a new template for Change Impact analysis. |
Feature | Balanced Scorecard | Added a new template for Balanced Scorecard analysis. |
Feature | RACI Chart | Added a new template for RACI chart analysis. |
Feature | Regression | Updated analysis to handle binary logistic regression. |
Feature | Options | Added the proxy setting to options. |
Feature | Capability Analysis | Added the Box-Cox transformation for process capability analysis. |
Feature | Histogram | Updated the histogram algorithm for bin sizes. |
Feature | All | Updated the algorithm for determining the proper size of graphs. |
Feature | Distribution Identification | Updated the algorithm for Weibull and Triangular analysis. |
Feature | 5 Why Analysis | Update the algorithm for 5 Why analysis. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Control Charts | Added new algorithm to handle Laney U' and P' control charts. |
Feature | Taguchi Analysis | Added new template for Taguchi analysis. |
Feature | All | Renamed the headers for all the templates to match menus. |
Feature | All | Help files were not being displayed correctly. |
Feature | All | Updated the dialog box for each of the analysis. |
Feature | Options | Updated the options dialog box. |
Feature | C&E Diagram | Updated the algorithm for fishbone analysis. |
Feature | DOE | Updated the DOE charts to use uncoded variables. |
Feature | Several | Added ability to highlight key rows on the worksheet. |
Feature | All | Updated the code clarity with smart variable names. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Generic | Software Wizard introduced to help users with selection of templates. |
Feature | Contour Plot | Added the contour & surface plot templates. |
Feature | Multi-Vari Chart | Added the Multi-Vari chart functionality. |
Feature | Time Series Analysis | Added ability to perform Trend/Seasonality analysis and Holt-Winter models. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Added ability to perform 1-sample defects and 2-sample defects comparisons. |
Feature | Time Series Analysis | Added ability to perform MA and EWMA analysis. |
Feature | Compare Samples | Updated algorithm to handle array size for Chi-Square tests. |
Feature | Regression Analysis | Handle missing data check for regression analysis. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to work with both .xls and .xlsm files with Auto option setting. |
Feature | Generic | Updated status error messages. |
Feature | Generic | Use of icons to handle correct or incorrect analysis. |
Feature | Generic | Option to hide columns that are not being used. |
Feature | Generic | Incorporated unit and integration testing in the package. |
Feature | Generic | Added conclusion for graphs. |
Feature | Generic | Reviewed the code to ensure speed-up of analysis as much as possible. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Project Filter | Ability to handle multiple project selection. |
Feature | Control Charts | Ability to handle multiple stages. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to change colors on the worksheet. |
Feature | Time Series Analysis | Added Time Series analysis template. |
Feature | Individual Value Plot | Added new template to handle Individual Value plots. |
Feature | Interval Plot | Added new template to handle Interval plots. |
Feature | Generic | Clear working area for graphs. |
Feature | Generic | Brand logo clearly placed which houses JSON data. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to handle unlimited rows & groups. |
Feature | Generic | Use of table format for outputs. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Transform Data | Ability to perform Johnson Transformation of the given data set. |
Feature | Bar Chart | Added new template to perform bar chart analysis. |
Feature | Pie Chart | Added new template to perform pie chart analysis. |
Feature | VSM, Process Map, C&E Diagram | Added ability to pick icons for VSM, Process Map, C&E Diagram. |
Feature | Bar Chart | Added new template to perform bar chart analysis. |
Feature | Project Filter | Added ability to select weights for project filter analysis. |
Feature | Sample Size | Fixed the smoothness of sample size curves. |
Feature | Feedback | Added ability to provide feedback from within the application. |
Feature | Register | Added ability to skip updates for certain versions. |
Feature | Probability | Updated algorithm for triangular distribution. |
Feature | License Manager | Updated the algorithm to properly handle expired licenses. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Probability Calc | Added 23 total distributions for this analysis. |
Feature | Control Charts | Added ability to report out of control values. Fixed before/after split. |
Feature | Run Chart | Added new template to perform run chart analysis. |
Feature | VSM, Process Map, C&E Diagram | Added ability to pick icons for VSM, Process Map, C&E Diagram. |
Feature | Register | Auto copy of registration keys from old to new version. |
Feature | Generic | Fixed issue of software compiled on 2010 to work on 2007 version. |
Feature | Generic | Added the ability to perform version control of templates. |
Feature | Generic | Fixed issue of opening of software in 64-bit versions of the OS. |
Feature | Generic | Added ability to export results from Excel to Power Point. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Register | Added registration functionality for new users. |
Feature | Generic | Added ability to auto update the software versions. |
Feature | Generic | Added hash codes to check integrity of software downloads. |
Feature | Several | Added new templates for DFSS and Lean (such as OEE, A3, SMED). |
Feature | Help | Mapped the help to the F1 function key. |
Feature | Monte Carlo | Added a new template for Monte Carlo simulations. |
Feature | Several | Standardize the location of cancel and OK buttons. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to view helps both offline and online. |
Feature | Generic | Ability to work with software when both offline and online. |
Feature | Generic | Eliminated Microsoft .NET framework as some users were facing issues with this. |
Bug Fix | All | Several minor bug fixes. |
Type | Templates | Description |
Feature | Several | First release of the software. |