Ensure that your computer meets the following requirements before you install this software.
Following are the minimum hardware requirements for you to run this software on your computer. Internet connectivity is required to activate licenses and to submit error logs or feedback.
1.6 GHz Processor |
4 GB RAM; 2 GB RAM (32-bit) |
1 GB Hard Disk |
1280x768 Display |
Internet Connectivity |
Make sure you have the following software installed on your computer. You may also need any good browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox) to view help files.
Windows OS 10, 11 |
Excel 2013+, Office 365 |
R Software, 4.3 |
PowerPoint |
PDF Viewer |
The following libraries should be available on most computers as part of standard system install in the System32 or SysWOW64 folder.
HTML Help |
Gdi, GdiPlus |
Shell32, User32, Kernel32 |
Scripting, ADODB |